About Us

Even if your doctor tells you otherwise, it’s important to listen to the legal consultation from NZ BIRTH INJURY LAWYERS. Mistakes during childbirth can be caused by doctors, nurses and any other professionals present at the scene. The injuries mostly happen due to failure to monitor vital signs. Birth defects can have long-term effects on the baby. If NZ BIRTH INJURY LAWYERS law firm unable to reach an agreement prior to litigation, we may file a complaint in court. After a lawsuit is filed, it begins a formal evidence-gathering process known as discovery. At this point, we can continue to negotiate a settlement. Our law firm can’t say without considering your specific case – but many birth injuries are preventable and can result low compensations while others can provide big amount of compensations.  Many general and personal injury attorneys advertise birth injury services. In practice, however, many of these organizations do not directly address birth injuries. Instead, they refer birth trauma cases to the parent company to collect part of the final payment. It is best to hire a birth injury attorney from NZ BIRTH INJURY LAWYERS that focus solely on birth injury law. They may have the in-depth legal and healthcare knowledge needed to win these complex lawsuits.